1384 Broadway at 38th Street
New York, NY 10018

Prostate Cancer

Our physicians, technology and experience dates back And experience dates back two decades with 3,000 men treated. We have five and ten-year comparison data to most every major center in America. For those with prostate cancer our data should be compelling to evaluate regardless of treatment decisions.

Many chose treatment with Radiosurgery New York physicians because of our experience as well as our data. Many men wish to avoid the surgery associated with radical prostatectomy or the prolonged course of radiation associated with external radiation or conformal radiation.
By using our unique program of seeds plus Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery, we have high control rates and high cancer-free survival at five and ten years. Also, the quality of life appears to be better than that associated with open surgery. This data is true both for those with low risk-low PSA-low Gleason score cancers, as well as those with high risk cancers.

Radiosurgery New York’s physicians have invested great energies in developing an innovative, nearly non-invasive, effective treatment using human-led computer-aided radiation seed implantation placed under fluoroscopic, ultrasonic and computer guidance, most commonly followed by body radiosurgery.

Technology well beyond conformal using stereotactic fiducials, IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy), the latest technology– to help assure the highest likelihood of freedom from prostate cancer recurrence. We’re one of the few centers using Palladium seeds exclusively – for reasons solely related to patient care!

We have a booklet and video exclusively produced for those with prostate cancer and we would encourage you to review this material before making any treatment decisions.

Dr Lederman working with physicists on prostate treatment planning.

A view of seeds placed in the prostate.

View from below shows urethral protection.

PSA After Our Treatment